candle_grey_Although not as well known as the basic primary colors, this secondary color has a prime place in candle color associations.  Grey emits a neutral energy which means that it is acceptable to any situation.   
When you feel like you are going into a threatening situation or heading for a direct confrontation, it is said that the burning of a grey candle is helpful in creating an aura of invisibility around you for protection.  No, it isn’t going to make you physically invisible, but it will definitely make it more difficult for someone to “read” you.   
A color of neutrality, Grey is said to be especially helpful when it comes to easing emotional pains and negativity as well as allowing for compromises and meetings of the minds to be achieved.  Sometimes called the great center because it is said to be halfway between black and white, grey is a great color for negotiations or power meetings. 
Planetary Associations:  Grey is associated with the planets of Jupiter and Saturn.  However, in candle burning Grey is considered to be neutral. 
Stone Associations:  Grey is associated with smoky quartz, banded grey agate, or a grey pebble from the beach.  Those looking for solidity would do well to work with a grey candle accompanied by a piece of grey granite. 
Best Day To Burn On:    As an essentially neutral color, grey can be burned any day of the week to good effect.